Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Scientific name: Xanthia togata

Pink-barred Sallow

September to October in the south, August to September in the north. Common throughout Great Britain.


This moth is most easily distinguished from other sallows by the deep red or pinkish-brown head and shoulders in contrast to the yellow thorax. The bright orange-yellow forewing is slightly hooked with deep-red or reddish-brown markings forming a bar from the leading to trailing edge.


They overwinter as eggs, laid in short rows on twigs close to the tree buds. The larvae can be found between late March and early June.

What does the Pink-barred Sallow eat?

The Pink-barred Sallow feeds on the catkins of sallows and poplars, and when more mature on herbaceous plants such as docks.

What habitat does the live in?

The Pink-barred Sallow mainly lives in in broadleaved woodland, marshes and fens but also occurs in other places where the foodplant grows including gardens.


What family does the Pink-barred Sallow belong to?

The Pink-barred Sallow belong to the Noctuidae family.

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Scientific Name

Xanthia togata


England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland


Small sized

Wingspan Range: 26-32mm


Common and well distributed throughout most of Britain

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