Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

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The latest happenings from Sirhowy Hill Woodlands.

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Our team are currently busy felling, extracting and debarking larch poles for an order for a Roundhouse. New volunteers always welcome if you fancy joining in with our activities!

We fell the Larch which is diseased with phytophthora ramorum, this is to allow natural regeneration of native broadleaved species of trees. This helps to go towards restoring the woodlands to what it would have been before the industrial revolution.
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Our team are currently busy felling, extracting and debarking larch poles for an order for a Roundhouse. New volunteers always welcome if you fancy joining in with our activities!
We fell the Larch which is diseased with phytophthora ramorum, this is to allow natural regeneration of native broadleaved species of trees. This helps to go towards restoring the woodlands to what it would have been before the industrial revolution.Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

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Confused why cut down the trees?

Will the roundhouse be at the woodlands?

Yayyy what exciting news πŸ’—πŸŒˆβœ¨πŸ€©πŸ™ x

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Last minute managed to persuade Steve Chamberlain from Llais y Goedwig to take the cancelled session in case anyone turned up and our true trusty stalwarts Mike and Eirwen did - not having seen the cancellation notice
And boy did they make some cracking stools!!!!!course equipment funded by our TWIG grant #nationalforestwales #welshgovernment and steve from #llaisygoedwig who is their south east wales development officer thank you steve for your timely aidπŸ‘πŸ‘
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Last minute managed to persuade Steve Chamberlain from Llais y Goedwig to take the cancelled session in case anyone turned up and our true trusty stalwarts Mike and Eirwen did - not having seen the cancellation notice
And boy did they make some cracking stools!!!!!course equipment funded by our TWIG grant #nationalforestwales #welshgovernment and steve from #llaisygoedwig who is their south east wales development officer thank you steve for your timely aidπŸ‘πŸ‘Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

Sorry folks Chris has hurt his shoulder and can’t run the session today hopefully will be back on next week
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So sorry cancelled today as Chris has hurt his shoulder Remember remember green woodworking tomorrow Tuesday at the community gardens with Chris ... See MoreSee Less

So sorry cancelled today as Chris has hurt his shoulder Remember remember green woodworking tomorrow Tuesday at the community gardens with Chris

Lovely big tender swedes from the community allotment which we gave to volunteers today and I took some home blanched and frozen them for Charlie to use in our plant to plate sessions, I did sneak a few in to my lamb stew and they were delicious and so tender ... See MoreSee Less

Lovely big tender swedes from the community allotment which we gave to volunteers today and I took some home blanched and frozen them for Charlie to use in our plant to plate sessions, I did sneak a few in to my lamb stew and they were delicious and so tenderImage attachment

@Blaenau Gwent food partnership ... See MoreSee Less

@Blaenau Gwent food partnershipImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Our β€œ Plant to plate β€œsession Thursday with Charlie, Riverside and St Joseph’s pupils was filmed by Food Sense Wales and we all enjoyed showing them how with the amazing funding and mentoring support of the Blaenau Gwent Food Partnership we are able to sow,grow and cook together.
That day they made cheesy egg muffins with chopped oriental greens from our cold greenhouse, baked cheesy potatoes and Charlie did a Big veggie broth, normally the pupils would have chopped it all but they needed to be filmed planting the red sun shallots too so Charlie obliged while they had their moment in the sun!!!!waiting for pics of our star commis chefs Mason and Tommy will post when they arrive .
The pickled onion jar is full of last years shallots minus the ones we have already eatenπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜‚
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Our β€œ Plant to plate β€œsession Thursday with Charlie, Riverside and St Joseph’s pupils was filmed by Food Sense Wales and we all enjoyed showing them how with the amazing funding and mentoring support of the Blaenau Gwent Food Partnership we are able to sow,grow and cook together.
That day they made cheesy egg muffins with chopped oriental greens from our cold greenhouse, baked cheesy potatoes and Charlie did a Big veggie broth, normally the pupils would have chopped it all but they needed to be filmed planting the red sun shallots too so Charlie obliged while they had their moment in the sun!!!!waiting for pics of our star commis chefs Mason and Tommy will post when they arrive .
The pickled onion jar is full of last years shallots minus the ones we have already eatenπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜‚Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Aww my beautiful niece Scarlett well done beautiful girl πŸ₯°

Lisa Melanie xx

Great session at the community gardens this morning, Jasper sorted the elephant garlic cloves and he and his mum planted them and all the shallots and red baron onion sets too and we netted them to stop the birds pulling them out before they had rooted properly
Our youngest volunteer Torren looked on while his dad Jorge and Alessio sorted out the hawthorn for our upcoming hedging session and and then they heeled them in while his mum Becky (who is studying forest school for us) and I did coffees and hot vegetable broth and cheesy egg and oriental greens muffins that were left over from Charlies and Riversides’s and st Jo’s pupils cooking β€œplant to plate β€œsession on Thursday- delish!!! What a gorgeous day too!
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Great session at the community gardens this morning, Jasper sorted the elephant garlic cloves and he and his mum planted them and all the shallots and red baron onion sets too and we netted them to stop the birds pulling them out before they had rooted properly
Our youngest volunteer Torren looked on while his dad Jorge and Alessio sorted out the hawthorn for our upcoming hedging session and and then they heeled them  in while his mum Becky (who is studying forest school for us) and I did coffees and hot vegetable broth and cheesy egg and oriental greens muffins that were left over from Charlies and Riversides’s and st Jo’s pupils cooking β€œplant to plate β€œsession on Thursday- delish!!! What a gorgeous day too!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Sirhowy Hill Woodlands ... See MoreSee Less

Sirhowy Hill WoodlandsImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Amazing teamwork yet againπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Amazing teamwork yet againπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Awesome job again guys. You should be so proud of your hard work .

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