Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Scientific name: Corvus monedula


Our smallest crow, the Jackdaw is a bird of woodland, parkland, coasts and urban areas. The Jackdaw nests in holes in trees, and on cliffs and buildings: sometimes it will even make a nest in a chimney! It eats invertebrates, fruit, seeds and carrion, and occasionally takes eggs and nestlings. A sociable bird, the Jackdaw can be seen in flocks, often performing aerial acrobatics or repeating its short, loud ‘kya’ call. The common name of the Jackdaw probably comes from two separate words: ‘Jack’ meaning rogue (it is a well-known thief) and ‘daw’ which is an imitation of its call.

How to identify the Jackdaw?

The Jackdaw has a short, chunky bill, a grey ‘shawl’ around the back of the head, a black cap and a white eye.

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Scientific Name

Corvus monedula


England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland



Other Wildlife