Sirhowy Hill Woodlands

Scientific name: Hepialus humuli humuli

Ghost Moth

June to early August. Common and well distributed throughout Great Britain with spp. Hepialus humuli thulensis found in Shetland.


Their English name is derived from the males of the spp. humuli which are entirely white, however the females are larger with a striking yellow forewing with distinctive orange markings. The Shetland spp. thulensis is smaller with a creamy white forewing marked with brown. When at rest they hold their elongated wings almost vertically against their body.


The adults have short antennae and have no functioning mouthparts so cannot feed. The males have a swaying flight display which is used at dusk to attract females. The caterpillars can be found from July to May, often overwintering twice as larvae so the life cycle commonly takes two years to complete.

What does the Ghost Moth eat?

The Ghost Moth eats the roots of grasses and a variety of cultivated herbaceous plants including Common Nettle (Urtica dioica), docks, burdocks and Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca).

What habitat does the Ghost Moth live in?

The Ghost Moth live in grassy and weedy places in woodland and open areas.

What family does the Ghost Moth belong to?

The Ghost Moth belong to the Helialidae family.

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Hepialus humuli humuli

England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland

Medium sized

Wingspan Range: 42-70mm 

Well distributed throughout Great Britain and Ireland including the Isle of Man.

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